New in Fork CMS 3.6.2: Better event-tracking for Google Analytics

External links (or Outbound links) are not tracked by Google Analytics, although it can be helpful to have data about the amount of clicks on a certain link. Since the beginning of Fork CMS 3 we track outbound links by adding an event tracker on the link. In our newest release we improved the tracking by adding support for mailto-links and internal anchors.

The script is based on an example of Lars Corneliussen. It provides a nicer overview of all tracked links in your Google Analytics.

Top events in Google Analytics

Example usage: Use a secondary dimension in Google Analytics to see on which page mailto links were clicked.

Google Analytics mailto events with secondary dimension

Developers can review the changes in the pull-request on GitHub.



Dave wrote 10 years ago

I heard Google Analytic is not accurate anymore and it's better to use paid services. Any thoughts? Can you prove you also have an accurate tracking? Thanks. - Dave of Outsource SEO Philippines