The cookie bar

There is a lot of discussion about the European Cookie Law. Where each country has his own implementation it isn't that easy to find a way to handle them based on the country, because it doesn't only depend on the country per user, it depends on who you target.

Therefore in the upcoming 3.7-release we implemented the most strict cookie law, which should fullfill for all countries.

How it works

A cookie bar is available in the template (you should include it in your custom theme). The cookie bar is visible the first time a visitor enters the website, when he hasn't a functional cookie set to hide the bar.

When the visitor hasn't a cookie (cookie_bar_agree) set all tracking is disabled and the data send to Google Analytics is anonymised.

When a user clicks he disagrees a functional cookie is set to hide the cookie bar, and a cookie (cookie_bar_agree) is set to false. The cookie bar will not be visible from then on. When this happens no tracking is done, and the data for Google Analytics is anonymised.

When a user clicks he agrees the same the cookie for hiding the bar is also set, and the cookie_bar_agree-cookie is set to true. From then on the cookie bar will not be visible, the Fork-tracking is enabled and the data for Google Analytics isn't anonymised anymore.


  • The first visit of a user will always be anonymized.
  • If a visitor doesn't allow cookies, the visitor will be unique for each request.


This method returns if a visitor has allowed the usage of cookies. If you are using tracking-cookies in your own code, you should use this method to check if it is allowed.

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Tip: Hidden actions

Some modules in Fork CMS have backend actions that are not visible in the menu. These are functions you don't need for regular website management but can come in handy when doing specific tasks. You access these actions by directly entering the url in your browser's address bar.

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