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Applying goldengate theme results in no theme at all

Hi there, I just set up a new Fork CMS on. I then installed the goldengate theme by downloading its zip file and uploading the theme in the "Extensions: themes" section. However, when I apply it, it results in absolutely no theming and plain text as you can currently see on the website.

What can I check and what did I do wrong?

Thanks for your help in advance!

Unfortunately the Golden Gate theme isn't yet upgraded to be compatible with Fork CMS 3.7 & 3.8. The most important difference is that files & folders are capitalized starting from version 3.7. This is because of the PSR autoloader specifications I think (Fork is slowly converting to a full-stack Symfony project).

If I have some time tomorrow, I'll convert the theme and do a pull request to the github repo of GoldenGate. Until then, try out some of the themes that already work with version 3.7 & 3.8 (Panakeia for example, or Bootstrap or Opengray). :)

Thanks very much for the reply! I noticed the capitalization but because I'm yet absolutely not experienced in the Fork details I didn't bother :)

I'm excited to see an upgraded version :)

I upgraded the GoldenGate theme to version 3.7 and 3.8. It has yet to be merged on github, so it can take a while until the forkcms is updated. But you can download it here already as a zip. If uploading as zip doesn't work, just copy the theme to your /src/Frontend/Themes folder and install :)

Thanks so much! I uploaded it manually to the folder as specified, in the subfolder "goldengate".

But as soon as I applied that theme, the page 500s ;s what did I do wrong? EDIT: Ah fixed it. Manually uploading it made something wrong. I renamed the zip to "" and it works perfectly now. Thanks again!

I did test this on a webserver, but I'll try it again and more thorough. Can you maybe send a link of your website? Maybe it's one of the modules that has the wrong template.

Already fixed it (there's a subtle edit in my post :D), I had to rename the zip to goldengate and then upload it. The manual installation didn't work for whatever reason.


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