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Authenticating against a different user database?


I am looking at moving over from wordpress as I find that it is just too much bloat for what I need.

In my CMS I don't really often need users to login, however when they do I want them to login via the forum database, and just wondering if there is a mechanism for this or an easy way to adapt the login?

Essentially my site has some integrations I have written between the forum and wordpress, where content is interacted between the two, and inserted from either end.

I generate the theme and design from wordpress and push this into my forums.

The bloat around the current system is just too big however and I would ideally like to change off of wordpress to this lighter system, as for me the front-end is more or less just an article delivery system

If I understand things correctly, you want some of the users to login into Fork CMS backend with their email & password from the forum database? I'm sure this could work if you have some knowledge of PHP. You can probably modify the php code where a query is sent to the database to verify the user credentials on login (check out /backend/core/engine/authentication.php. Try adding a query to let it also check against the forum database. You can probably add those users in a group (like 'super-moderators' or something) and check in your query if they belong to that group that allows them backend access?

For the forum integrations on your site, you can probably write some small widgets/modules to display data of the forum on your website. If you have questions, let us know :-)

Is it a new forum? This forum module will be released soon :)

It is a fairly large forum that has been around for a number of years over 500,000 posts :)

I currently integrate WP and the forum, but WP is just too bloated and a massive memory hog for the job it does on my site, I therefore want to move to something lighter and smaller and manage most things from the forum, however I don't want to build my own CMS from the forum, i'd rather work with something a little more established than my own homegrown


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