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Can not apply any theme from site

Good day to all.

Only Triton (default) theme after applying results in changing view. Other themes (Response, Chameleon, Scorsese) drop view to unformatted text, only favicon changes in title.

Any recipe?

Last release of ForkCMS, hosted on my own linux server.

Those 3 themes are a bit outdated (fork < v3.6). I converted a lot of the themes a while ago to be compatible with Fork CMS, except for Response, Chameleon, Scorsese etc.

The themes that will be compatible, have folders with a capitalized name like Core, Modules instead of core and modules etc. That's how you can check if they're compatible :-)

Some themes that will work are:

If you really want one of those other themes, then I can convert them too, but I'm a bit busy with school to convert all the other themes. In the near future, Fork CMS is going to use the Twig template engine, so all the themes will have to be converted once again...

O. Thanks for your response.

Downloaded all off it, trying to upload, fail, edit name-of-directory in tar to name referenced in xml; works, installed, but...

All of it does not responses to screen size e.g. to phone and/or tablet; can i find somewhere recipe, may be from old some, to make design responsible?

Thank in advance.

That's because of the Github zip I think. I actually never use the theme upload functionality. I copy the Panakeia theme folder to src/Frontend/Themes/ using FTP. When you log in to Fork CMS and go to settings > themes, then you will see the theme appear and you can click it to install. Be sure to clear the /src/Frontend/Cache folders if you have problems, sometimes the theme templates or css is still cached.

Panakeia is a responsive theme, so the screen size will fit every device. Here's an example: The Bootstrap theme is also responsive.

Thank you again. Root of website accessible to me, but after all settings content will be filled by another peoples with different html knowledge.

What do you mean? Only the installation of the theme will need root website access, the website can be filled with content by people who only have access to the cms backend :-)

Users have wide opinion about theme customizing of the site through the web GUI:-)


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