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Cannot install Bootstrap theme

When trying to install the bootstrap theme, I get an error message:

The theme's folder name doesn't match the theme name in info.xml.

Workaround is to rename the zip, but then I get the following error.

We could not find an info.xml file for "modules/blog".

So you renamed the theme to

Have you tried unzipping the theme to your theme folder and then installing it?

Great :) I'll try fixing the name of the zip when downloading.

The problem is that the name is taken from the GitHub repository, which is "fork-cms-theme-bootstrap". Anyone know if it's possible to override it with a custom filename?

I think the we could not find info.xml file is caused bij hving a file or something in your zip. Try that out! ;) is used for the repo description. Since the download link is taken directly from the master, deleting this file is not an option. Even so, I think the error was caused by a wrong filename (perhaps was used? -> "modules/blog")


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