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Change to other server

Hi Fork-cms,

I have make I fork-cms theme and I used MAMP for the local server for easy changes. Now I will publish him on a subdomain for checking it online. Can anybody help me?

I have read the articles but it doesn't work.

Must the content be converted as well?

You have to remove all the files in:

  • /src/Backend/Cache (please keep the folders)
  • /src/Frontend/Cache (please keep the folders)
  • /app/cache (remove all the folders)

If you want to start with a new database remove /app/config/parameters.yml

If you want to move your website online just upload your database through phpMyAdmin, remove the cache using the script provided in the Fork distribution, copy over your files to your host and change your url and credentials in your parameters.yml file

Have fun!

My hosting was located at received multiple "500 Internal Server Errors" and different errors concerning "openbasedir" because my debug.log was turned on. I've been told that Openbasedir will not be supported anymore in the latest php version. This seemed to be the error which prevented me to get it up and running. I've turned off the debugger to fix this, but the error remains, this means that the error is caused by I've changed my hosting to to prevent future problems like this. Thanks to Jesse Dobbelaere

Hostbots is great, I host everything there!


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