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Cronjobs Not Set

I've entered the cronjob commands for the Links and Twitter modules and I'm still getting a "Not all cronjobs are set" error message. I don't have the same error message with Google Analytics. This is what I have set:

Current Cron Jobs Minute Hour Day Month Weekday Command Actions

** ** `*

** ** `*

33 0 ** `* php /home/abateo5/publichtml/fork/app/../backend/cronjob.php module=analytics action=getdata

34 0 ** `* php /home/abateo5/publichtml/fork/app/../backend/cronjob.php module=analytics action=gettraffic_sources

0 0 ** 0 php /home/abateo5/publichtml/fork/app/../backend/cronjob.php module=links action=checklinks

24 ** ** php /home/abateo5/publichtml/fork/app/../backend/cronjob.php module=twitter action=gettweets

Can anybody give me some advice?


I've entered the cronjob commands for the Links and Twitter modules and I'm still getting a "Not all cronjobs are set" error message. I don't have the same error message with Google Analytics. This is what I have set:

Current Cron Jobs Minute Hour Day Month Weekday Command Actions

** ** `*

** ** `*

33 0 ** `* php /home/abateo5/publichtml/fork/app/../backend/cronjob.php module=analytics action=getdata

34 0 ** `* php /home/abateo5/publichtml/fork/app/../backend/cronjob.php module=analytics action=gettraffic_sources

0 0 ** 0 php /home/abateo5/publichtml/fork/app/../backend/cronjob.php module=links action=checklinks

24 ** ** php /home/abateo5/publichtml/fork/app/../backend/cronjob.php module=twitter action=gettweets

Can anybody give me some advice?


Sorry for posting twice, but I can't seem to get the commands to display properly for review.

In the latest versions there's a bug like that. I've got that problem also. CAn you file a github issue for that?


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