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Display Only Subcategory of Blogs

Is there a way to only display blogs from an individual category?

It is possible but not out of the box. You can create a new widget for that. I made it once but that code is lost so I can't send it to you :)

If thats fine with you, you can create a new page with title 'Blog' and then go to the redirect tab and enter the url of that category, e.g.: When you press the 'Blog' item in your site navigation, it'll browse to the category page listing all the blog posts in that category.

A widget that displays all the blogposts from one category on an existing page isn't available unfortunately...

My blogs aren't being stored as a file. There is no category folder and when I try to view a blog I get a 404 message.

I don't quite understand your message, but if you get a 404 message on your blog: Do you have a page in Fork CMS with module > Blog added on the page?

Yes, if you don't want them to appear in the navigation, you can place them in the single pages section

Ok, then I still have a problem. This is the URL I get when I hover over a category on the blogs category page:

Hmm I'm not sure where your blog page is on that site (I don't find it in the sitemap?). If you get a 404, that means you don't have a blog page with the blogmodule added to.

Great! Let me know if you experience other difficulties :-)


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