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Does Facebook have a roll in site access procedures?

I am the domain owner. Several different users are responsible for their own Subdomain. One of those users is testing Fork. I'm not involved past the software installation phase; in truth, I've never seen the program live. So please excuse what might be considered a terribly basic question. The sub-domain manager reports that it appears that you need a Facebook account to get into the software. I know that's not much to go on, but if you cad address login procedures and how Facebook has/hasn't got a role to play, I would really appreciate it.

Do you mean that you need a facebook account for Fork CMS? That's not the case. If you visit the subdomain and append '/private' to the subdomain, then you get a login panel. You enter an email address and password and you're logged in. The administrator can manage users from the backend and set their rights.

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