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Duplicate language


Is there a way to duplicate a complete language? For example: I have a site ready in the dutch language and want to duplicate all the pages and content including the modules to the English version and then translate all the text.

It would save a lot of time if possible.

Kind regards Bas

Yes, there's a hidden action to do this. But be sure to have a database backup before doing this. Normally, it should work just fine... All pages will be copied from dutch to english.

Browse to: /private/en/pages/copy?from=nl&to=en

PS. There's another useful hidden action in Fork. Browse to /private/en/locale/analyse to analyse the labels and messages. You'll get a list of all the missing label/messages translations. This is useful to find missing translations, because some modules aren't translated to every language.

Thnx Jesse!

It works great! But only for the normal pages. Not for the modules but it saves me a lot of time!


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