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Extra line in Head

Hi! I have an extra line in the Head of the page: {* Meta } {$metaCustom} { Favicon and Apple touch icon } { google fonts change and remove } { Stylesheets } {iteration:cssFiles} {/iteration:cssFiles} { HTML5, respond Javascript } { Site wide HTML *} {$siteHTMLHeader} and i really want to get rid of it. I try to delete them in the head.tpl but its ruin the whole page. The question is: How is this going to disappear? Thx for the help.

What do you mean? You have a blank line in the generated html? Or do you want to remove something like {metaCustom} in the templates?

I want to remove that lines from /templates/head.tpl If i open the file, it show like this: {* Meta }..., { Favicon and Apple touch icon *}... etc... But its easier if i show you. It looks like this in the head of my page.

The {* Meta } lines are just comments. They should not be visible in your final webpage's source code. Only in the /src/Frontend/Themes/themename/Core/Layout/Templates/head.tpl. Other things are essential and should not be deleted, like {iteration:cssFiles} or anything that has no {* ... }

Or do you mean that you see these lines in your website? That could mean that the template engine is not working properly, because you should not see these on the website or in the source code of your webpage. Only in head.tpl

This is what I mean. I see them in the website too. I try to delete them, only the comments, but its still not working. I try other themes like triton or eco, but i see that line with them too.

That's strange indeed. Can you post some more information? Do you use the zip from the website or do you git clone and use composer? Are you using the latest version 3.9.5? Do you have this website online so I can inspect the issue?

I use a simple zip from the website with the latest version. But the website (my website) is not online yet. I try this on different computers with different browsers with the same result. Oh, and I test it with at least four themes. This could be a server problem? But i don't see how.

I'll do a quick check today with the zip from the website :-) Strange issue!

And a strange luck of mine:) Anyhow, thank you for your help.

Could this be a problem with a PHP extension not loaded? Is the mbstring extension enabled? You can enable this in your webserver config php.INI file.

Thank you for the idea, I try it.


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