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Fork Formbuilder: lots of spam


I've been using the Fork Formbuilder for a while now, but since some time I'm getting lots of spam mails. Is there any way to tackle this problem?

Maybe it will help by adding a captcha to the formbuilder?



Hmm I receive a spam message once in every 2 weeks so I can live with it...

Captcha's or Akismet are not implemented in formbuilder. Here are some tricks you can do against spam but you'll probably need to dive into the code or add some jquery to the page (for example: wait min. 5 seconds before allowing to send the form with jquery).

Hi Jesse,

Thank you for the tip about disabling the form for some seconds. I'll implement this right away.

Thanks again!


I haven't tried it yet and maybe some spam bots are smart enough to wait (or disable javascript), but let me know ;)

You're right about the javascript. If it's disabled it will be useless. Maybe I'll just add some code in PHP: remember the timestamp when form is displayed and compare that one when the form is submitted.

That has to work as well I think?

Yes that should work. I think it's best to add the check to the validate method. But first save the timestamp somewhere in the execute method as a global variable at the start after the template is loaded...

You can also insert a honeypot field. Add some html: a div with a label (write a '*' so the spambot thinks it's a required field) and input field with name "email-address" or something obvious to the template and use CSS to hide the div with "display: none". Then you go to the form.php where it gets validated and you add a hard-coded line to check if the field "email-address" is filled. If someone did fill it in, it's a spambot and you should throw an error.

Some spam bots will probably be smart enough to ignore css-hidden fields or wait a bit longer, but I think by doing these two implementations, you will probably will get less spam


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