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Formbuilder: send copy of posted mail to the submitter


Is there a quick/simple way to send a copy of a sent form to the submitter of that form. In the backend there are only the options to send a copy to a specific mailadres and to save the mail in de db.


I think the easiest way to do is is to change the code a little bit.

Check if the replay_to field is set and than email the from.

You can replace line 445 in frontent/modules/form_builder/widgets/form.php with the following:

if (SpoonFilter::isEmail($email)) {
    $replyTo = $email;
    $this->item['email'][] = $email;

This will add the reply to email to the recipients which are looped on line 450

Just be aware that in the last line of code fragment Jacob posted, the > is actually a greater than sign. The Fork CMS forum has a little problem with html decoding in the code fragments... :-)

The last line should be: $this->item['email'][] = $email;

Thanks for the replies.

I've replace the code starting with if(arraykeyexists('reply_to',

with the code applied by Jacob. The form is sent and still works but the submitter doesn't get a copy.

Is there sometinh I'm missing?

It looks like the code isn't executed. If I echo or exit in the arrray

if(array_key_exists('reply_to', $field['settings']) && $field['settings']['reply_to'] === true)

The form is still send. In the mainsettings of Fork I've filled in the reply address.

Did you also add a textfield with validation type email and checked the field Reply to?

Thanks Jacob, I thought I had done both. Checked it again and now it works!


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