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Google Analytics Module fixes


The instructions on the Google analytics module are outdated, and are really confusing as they do not relate at all to the new Analytics website. It was incredibly hard to try and find "API access". As google has renamed this too "Credentials"

Secondly what kind of key do I need, I tried both browser and server key and when I submit, it takes me to an error page saying.

The page you have requested cannot be displayed. Another site was requesting access to your Google Account, but sent a malformed request. Please contact the site that you were trying to use when you received this message to inform them of the error. A detailed error message follows:

The site "" has not been registered. 

Any ideas?


Hmm did you go to API's and then look for Analytics API and made sure it is enabled? (Status: ON). I went to credentials and then I created a new key for browser applications. Any referrer allowed. And just copied the API key and it worked... Maybe regenerate the browser key once more? It can also take some time I think.

Ok to follow up on this, it seems to be an issue on Google's side with their API

More info here:

and here

It appears certain TLD's like are causing problems when authenticating.


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