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Google Analytics under Fork CMS 3.x

Hi All,

Apologies for cross posting - I think I initially posted in the old Forum...?

Im having a weird issue trying to link Fork CMS to Google Analytics.

I have followed the instructions here:

I get to the last bit after allowing Google to connect in and the section I get to is: "After granting access you will be redirected back to Fork. You will now be asked to select a profile. This is the profile for which the analytics module will be fetch results."

I don't get any way to link the profile. I have logged off Fork CMS as well as google. I even went as far as clearing cache and cookies to make sure!

When I log into Fork now I see: Some settings aren't configured yet: There is no link with an analytics website profile yet.

There are no website profiles linked to this Google account. Log off at Google and try with a different account.

Can anyone shed any light onto this please?


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