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Installation issue

Hi all,

I am new to forkcms. When I try to install forkcms, i get this message "The requested URL /install was not found on this server.".

The server consist of ubuntu 14.10. Php version 5.4.38. The server meet minimum php extension requirement. mod_rewrite is enable and .htaccess is in the root dir of the forkcms. I use bitnami lampstack-5.4.38-0.

I have try to add <directory> AllowOverride All </directory> to .htaccess file. Also I try to remove this line "Options +FollowSymlinks -Indexes". It doesn't work.

Any help or idea I appreciated. Thank you.

Did you do a composer install, which creates the installer assets etc ? Is there anything useful in your apache logs?

Jesse I try both the composer and download from website forkcms 3.9.1. I get the same error message.

I don't see and log generate for the error. I have no idea how to solve this. Any help I appreciated.

A common issue is that the web directory doesn't have the proper ownerships and so on, but that would result in a different error. This error occurs when you decompress;

A) Use tar -xzf forkcms-x.y.z.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/ --strip-components=1

** Note: The home directory for the http docs probably differs in Debian/Ubuntu. I use CentOS. The important thing is the "-C" and --strip-components=1

Also, check that the ownership of the extracted files isn't root or whatever user you sudo's from.

Ownership of directories, you should have apache only (reservation for not having a Debian/Ubuntu VM)

chgrp apache /var/www/html/* -R chown apache /var/www/html/* -R

I hope you get my point. (And yes, you can do it in a oneliner, but...)


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