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Installing Extensions modules (apps)

Hello, I just found out and install "Fork" Version 3.8.2. Upon installation of the modules I prompted systematically the error message "We could not find a file uploaded in the module. Verify the contents." I test all modules and I have the same problem. I installed the module manually, I see them in the list of modules to install, I click install and blocking, I can just go back. I browsed the site but I can not find a solution. Any idea? Thank you very much for your help.

I never install a module with the zip/upload functionality, so I don't know what's wrong with that. (I always install manually).

It could be that the module you're trying to use, is not ready for Fork v3.8. Which module are you trying to install?

This needs to be checked out for sure. Anyone else encountered this?

Yea I've had several failed installs using the zip/upload method.

The Twitter, Links and Slideshow extensions, to install I had to manually upload.

I think its because the folder conventions and not conformant.

The easiest way would be to make ForkCMS work without case sensitivity on files and directories.

Case sensitivity is due to the UNIX/Linux OS your Fork installation is installed on. Windows is partially case sensitive when naming files, but will ignore the case when searching.


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