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Iteration extra and cycle


I m having some questions about the iteration extra and cycle functions.

Iteration extra: With iteration extra it is possible to add first/last to the iteration. On I ve workd with first and last to show a different structure/markup for these two top elements. (portfolio spotlight) Now i want them to alternate also with more than 2 elements. Can this be done through a counter that is added to the array?

{option:loop.first} becomes {option:loop.1} {option:loop.2}

Or i what way is this achievable?

Cycle: Can we cycle through html code for alternating markup/structure. Not only adding a class/id etc to an element but really including a different markup block?

Normally, can use html inside the cycle tag, for example:


This has htmlformatting

':'This has no html'}

So you can switch between html code. Not sure if you can parse variables inside these html blocks...

I don't fully understand your first question. Can you give some more information? You can also use the cycle tag with 3 or more parameters:

{cycle:'first row':'second row':'third row'}


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