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Label in languages.tpl


how can i change the languages-labels from "DE" or "EN" to "German" or "English"? I think, i must change the "label" in {$languages.label|uppercase} - but how? "msg" works not, "massage" works not... What can i do?

Thanks for the help, Jan ;o)

I created a short template modifier to do is.

Folow this steps and it will work:

Add in file frontend/core/engine/template.php on line 247

// Get language label
$this->mapModifier('languagelabel', array('FrontendTemplateModifiers', 'languageLabel'));

In the same file add the following on line 869

 * Get language label for a language code
 *  syntax: {$var|languagelabel}
 * @param string $var
 * @return string
public static function languageLabel($var = null)
    return FL::getLabel(strtoupper($var));

Now the template modifier is created you can call it in your template with:


Or even with:


What it does:

  1. Fetch the template var
  2. Get the Frontend label for a language
  3. Return this label

I hope this helps you out.


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