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Left block width

Hello I'm new with Fork CMS. I've downloaded theme Triton and I want to change the width from the left block on the pages. How do I do that ?

Kind regards,



It's done in the layout/css/screen.css file of the theme.


Thank you,

I know that it is done with screen.css but can you point out to me the line which I should change because I can't find it. Thanks in advance

You can modify the screen.css but the Triton theme works with a grid with columns and their appropriate widths. Maybe it's best that you change the number of columns in the template.

For example the left block on About us or the Blog page in the demo. Those pages use the default page template, found in: /frontend/themes/triton/core/layout/templates/default.tpl. Open this template with your editor.

Triton seems to be using a 12-column grid. So the left column uses 3 columns and the main content uses the remaining 9 columns (3+9 = 12). If you go to line 59 and change col-3 to col-4 you will get a larger left block. You'll also need to change the main content column from col-9 to col-8 otherwise it won't fit.

It will look like this:

Template grid changes


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