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Links plugin for 3.8.1

Hey I am trying to manually add the Links plugin to my site as the installer doesn't work.

I have changed all the folders to a different case type as with the new naming convention.

Anything else I need to do to hack the plugin into 3.8.1?

If there is a git repo I am happy to update it.

It seems that the Fork CMS website still serves the old module, while the module already has been upgraded to Fork CMS >3.7. You can find the github here and you can download the zip and copy the folders to the frontend & backend modules folders.

(There are some other changes to be done beside renaming the folders. The class names have other names, more info here and here)

Hi, it would be nice to check my upgrade out as I haven't tested it. If you encounter any errors please file a bug report or do a pull request as I don't have much spare time now.



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