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Manage comments in extensions on Fork CMS website

It would be cool to manage the comments within your own extensions (e.g. remove irrelevant/old comments or spam). It is also not possible to edit own comments. Any ideas/suggestions on this?

Indeed, maybe put parts of the Fork CMS website on github. One thing that's confusing is that most modules/themes on the Fork website are still for Fork 3.6. There should be a field "supported versions" when you submit a module/theme.

And same goes for the Forum module. I wonder when it's going to appear on github. I created a list of features that seem useful like markdown preview, fixing html entity bug, reply notifications badge in the header, flag post (spam), editing the first post of a topic (not possible atm), ... The forum module is going to be open-source but I seems to take months to push it to github :p

I am waiting for it too. Things need to be rearranged in the system according to me.

Let's wait I should say?


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