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Modules/themes work

Can we compile a list of modules & themes that don't work on the current version of Fork CMS?

And who can tell me where the source of those modules is located? Are they still in (private repo)? If yes: can anyone rip them out (IIRC, there are legitimately private modules in there) and publish the source. That will enable others to fix them.

That would be a great idea! Some other things also slip into my mind with this. I remember when developing my first module ( links), the module needed to pass some kind of quality control. Afterwards it was added to the official website. I liked that system, that way we wouldn't be in a situation like this. I think we need to have a centralized registry of al available modules.That can be a markdown file on github because I think there are some modules out there I've never heard of. Once we have that list it is easy to note that where the source is and who is the dev of it. Next we can fix them all and get rid of the github links which are now displayed on the extensions page. We really should stick to the idea of hosting the modules displayed on the website. Maybe it would be a good practice to build some kind of versioning system into the extensions page. That way discontinued modules can exist for older Fork versions.

About motivating the community, what about a hackaton every 3 months?

I don't think we need to build a versioning system into the extensions page (well, we could, but I think those dev resources are better spent working on Fork CMS). Versioning is built into git. We could get away with just including the supported Fork CMS version number into the tag. It's not perfect, but a very simple improvement over the current situation that requires not extra work at all :p

I assume the hackathon idea is unrelated to modules/themes? I don't think we need a hackathon for fix modules/themes: if modules/themes are actively used, someone will have to fix them anyway. If they're not used, meh... :)

A simple improvement suits for me.

I spend all night to create a list that you've asked. I hope it get's used :)

You can find it here at Github

I upgraded most of the themes a while ago, but will finish the last remaining ones to be compatible with Fork >3.7. I'll better update all those info.xml's too so the minimum version is 3.7.

I had the idea too to add a simple or use the info.xml file a bit more. The fork cms themes&modules page should fetch/scrape this information from github and display the minimum version for each module & theme. I would not get rid of the github links here on the website. Users can create an issue or a PR if they use the module and have feedback. I would not even host the module, just create a download button that points straight to the github zip of the master branch.

Oh and very soon, we can upgrade all the themes once again, this time to twig instead of spoon, but I think Thijzer made a script for that :D

First we need to make sure every info.xml states the correct information according to the codebase. This morning I will try to make some PR's here and there. I suggest we take the list and try to do all the work, maybe we can add a column with the name of the dev who tests and fixes the module.

I upgraded all themes to Fork CMS >3.7 a while ago. Finished the last 5-6 themes today. These are waiting for a merge, but I don't know if Wijs still has someone maintaining their github repo's. It could take a while before this get merged. Why don't we move the Wijs themes to the Fork CMS repository (if that's allowed, they have the Fork CMS license though)? Or make a "ForkCMSThemes" github account that contains all themes that are a bit abandoned and don't have a maintainer anymore, but now the community maintains it.

Here are the themes that I converted:

Converted and waiting for PR merge

Done last year, already merged

To finish
@John is working on this

When these get merged, we have the fork themes all up to date again!


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