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More Contribution to Fork CMS

Hi Guys,

We have just started a new "big" project and we decided to use Fork CMS for its very user friendly backend.

We want to know if there is any official roadmap. We want to make more contributions to this project.

We have also noticed that some classes could be more generic. Make models using an ORM, adding conditions to templates, switch admin theme, add scaffolding for generating modules or actions...are all new feature we want to see or contribute to at least with architectural discussions.

Please note that we have successfully set up tests using Codeception and we are looking to add more to have a better coverage.

Regards, Ghazi

Great to hear! But I don't think the core developers are keeping an eye on this forum. (And I myself don't know much about the road map either). It's best to post such things on Github I think


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