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Multiple 'projects' Modules

Hey Guys, I always fail trying to install more instances of the Projects module by renaming it and using different tables in the db. Could you help me please?

Hmm. During the installation of a module, the db tables are created but additional info is also inserted in tables such as modules, meta, etc... It can get messy with a lot of errors if you try to rename everything related to the module in the database...

Try renaming it before you install the module. I don't know the quickest way to fully rename a module and his files... I just tried it and did it like this by renaming it to a 'realisations' module for example:


  1. Downloaded & unzipped projects module.
  2. Opened folder in sublime text and did a global find&replace (cmd+shift+F). Make sure to replace these words (in this particular order!) with case sensitive option enabled:

    1. Find: Projects. Replace by: Realisations
    2. Find: Project. Replace by: Realisation
    3. Find: projects. Replace by: realisations
    4. Find: project. Replace by: realisation
  3. I don't know how to replace file- & foldernames with sublime, so I manually changed every file- and foldername in the frontend and backend folders to the appropriate name (projects -> realisations, project.js -> realisation.js, ...). Don't worry, it's not that many files/folders.
  4. Copied the module backend & frontend folder into Fork CMS.
  5. Installed the module

I also installed the projects module. Now I have the 'new' realisations module and the projects module both running in Fork.

This seems like a poor approach (DRY), but it works.

Thank you very much! That helped for me :)


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