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Send the email of a submitted form also to the reply-to email

I was looking for an option to send the submitted form also to the email of the person that filled in the form. Is this possible? and if yes where can i do this?


If you are using the formbuilder module, use the same code like /frontend/modules/form_builder/widgets/form.php on rule 447.

Check if there is an e-mail field in the form. If so, add an e-mail to the queue with the value of the field.

Hi Bart,

Thanks! I got it working. Now I have an other question. Is it possible to show the Text Elements ( Heading and Paragraph ) that can be placed in the form visible in the email. Im trying this for a while but i dont now where to look anymore.

Hope you can help me. Thanks in Advance.

Remove $field['type'] == 'paragraph' || $field['type'] == 'heading' in form.php. Add a new option in templates/mails/form.tpl.

This way, fields that are a paragraph or heading can be parsed in the mailing tpl.

Hi Bart,

Thanks again. I removed the $field['type'] == 'paragraph' || $field['type'] == 'heading' only on rule 342 if i remove this line on rule 388 I get a error when sending the mail. Am I doing something wrong? And I don't understand the adding off an option. Can you explain this or can I find some documentation about this somewhere?

There's an iteration fields in /form_builder/layout/templates/mails/form.tpl. You'll have to add some variables.

Use the Spoon template guide how to pass variables:

Hi Onno and Bart,

Thanks for the tips. @Onno: I already managed to do this. But thanks! @Bart: I looked at the Guide but I don't understand it. I cant see how to add the variables for the Headings and Paragraphs. It would be great if you can show me how.

Anyone? Im really stuck. What i want is to show information of the form with text between every field. Or is it possible to split up the array of an iteration? For example {$fields.value [ID of the field]} Or am I thinking wrong?

I'm having difficulties with something similar. In form.tpl the formname is shown as $name.

If $name is Nieuwsbrief I want to show text that is different from the text shown when $name is Contactform. How do I create an {option} which shows the different content?


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