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Slideshow by Koen

Great slider, but I noticed one little bug, when formed section {$ jsFiles.file} twice add <script src="/ src / Frontend / Modules / Slideshow / Js / Slideshow.js"> </ script> <script src = "/ src / Frontend / Modules / Slideshow / Js / slideshow.js"> </ script></script>

I tried to trace where it forms the code in the module and did not find ... I only saw that the array is formed from a script in the Core. And where takes the module is not found ...

Please help!

A fresh mind - solved the problem myself. The file src / Backend / Modules / Slideshow / Engine / Model.php in line 273 'action' => 'slideshow', replaced the 'action' => 'Slideshow', Problem solved!

Thanks for noticing! I've added a pull request to the github code to fix this issue.

Fork CMS used lowercase action & module names in the previous versions, but since version 3.7 it uses capitalized module & action names (PSR autoloading standard). This line of code had to be changed :)

Thank you for the feedback Denius. I merged Jesse's pull request so everyone can enjoy it.


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