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SSL with Fork? [SOLVED]

Hi I recently installed a self-signed certificate on our test server, but Fork gives a [quote]Not Found

The requested URL /nl was not found on this server.[/quote] when we try to connect using https:// Thanks for suggestions... :-)

I could be that your SSL directory is pointing to a different directory then the non-secure connection.

With directadmin you are able to set the privatehtml (which directadmin uses for SSL) as a symlink to your publichtml.

I hope this will help.

Thanks for the reply Jacob, but I'm not looking to buy something at this point to solve what should be a simple configuration/fork issue.

I've tested non-fork pages and they work fine... strongly suggesting that http and https are pointing to the same place.

I've tried setting the protocol in parameters.yml to https but that doesn't hep.

I also notice that trying to get to the backend over https results in a directory listing... pretty poor security!

Does fork even support https? Perhaps that should have been my first question...

I've already seen Fork CMS sites with https. Cookstore has https for example. However I haven't used https before, so I don't really know how to enable it in Fork. Do you have an apache or nginx server? Maybe you can post your problem on the Fork CMS github as an issue and the core developers will help?

Thanks for the reply Jesse! Having done another install of fork today on another machine, I noticed a similar kind of issue where I got a dir listing of the /install directory instead of the friendly installation page... that was because AllowOverride was still set to None in the apache config... digging a little further in my original problem here, I found that there are 2 config files for apache in sites-available, one "default" where AllowOverride was correctly set to All and (ah ha!!) one "default-ssl" where AllowOverride was still set to None! Hence, everything was great with http connection but borked with https connection.
Quick change of the AllowOverride setting in the default-ssl to All and PROBLEM SOLVED!

So, https with fork is actually pretty simple, just buy/generate a certificate, configure Apache for ssl (port 443 etc.), make sure you have changed AllowOverride to All in both the default and the default-ssl configs and hey presto!

Thanks again for all the replies!

Oops... I think I broke your forum trying to add the tag [SOLVED] to the topic title! Sorry :-P


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