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Strange behavior with ' in formbuilder


I created a form with radiobuttons. These radiobuttons have the following values:

  • 's morgens
  • 's middags
  • 's avonds

But if the the form is posted I'm unable to get the value. But I noticed something strange. Fork converts the ' to html entities, which is fine by me. But when the form is posted the html entity is converted to ' again. This means that the radiobutton element is unable to check if the value is correct because "'s middags == 's middags" is false.

Is anyone familiar with this problem are is there a solution available, besides changing "'s morgens" into "s morgens"


Hmm strange. Maybe set a value like "morning", "day", "evening" for the radiobutton value and use the 's ochtends as your radiobutton name. In the frontend this will be a label I think?

This error is probably caused by Spoon Library? Fork CMS is slowly migrating to the more powerful Twig template engine...

No this is not caused by the Spoon Library. Special characters are converted into html entities, which is fine by me. But this is also the problem.

This morning, after a good night sleep I found the solution. And created a pull request:


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