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Styles and backgroundimages only in debug-mode

After installation and disabled debug-mode the backend style links looks in "http://fork.local/src/Core/Layout/Css/imports/typography.css" etc.

But there is no /src/Core/ folder, so the request comes with an 404 error.

In frontend the backgroundimages eg. "http://fork.local/src/Themes/triton/Core/Layout/images/background.png" also becomes a 404. This location exists.

When the debug-mode is enabled, there a ohther style links in /src/Backend/Core and they working fine.

Backgroundimages in frontend also shown in debug-mode.

Is there any reason to working with fork and without debug-mode enabled? It looks like not stable, and i want it for production use.

Haven't seen that issue before. Are you experiencing this with the latest Fork CMS version? Can you try an older version ?

Did you clear the cache and update the composer vendors (which includes the minifier)?

I've installed forkcms-3.9.1.tar.gz from the step by step guide of this website, without any use of composer, just download, extract in filesystem and install in browser. Looks like okay after installation.

Actually i try to install with composer, but there is an RuntimeException... but that's another topic.

Whatever, these problems prevent the use of fork for me. It's very nice and has a very good support for multi language. But i think, that's not suitable for production use.

Thank you for answer. Close

I just installed Fork CMS 3.9.1 and I didn't experience your issue (when debug is turned off), using:

git clone .
composer install -o

Could be a problem with the local webserver too. The core developers could help you solve the problem in a github issue. However, sorry to hear that Fork is of no use to you. A lot of web agencies use Fork CMS everyday to create production websites though :)!

I've done so. Git clone into local directory without errors. Composer install stops with "Command not found" when execute the post-install-cmd from composer.json.

Okay, i manually execute the commands, looks fine. Install from Webinterface, and had the same errors from #1.

I try fork-cms on a windows client, maybe that's the problem. So i will try the installation in a FreeBSD VM and post results next time.


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