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Unable to install ForkCMS on Vagrant/scotch box

I'm trying to setup forkcms in combination with Scotch/Vagrant. Scotchbox is running without problems. I can get to the ForkCMS installer, but at the end (when clicking "view your new website") it just redirects back to the start of the setup.

I've tried installing it by copying the contents of the downloaded file to the scotch public folder. I've tried to clone from git from within the scotchbox and then running composer install -o. And I've also tried using composer create-project forkcms/forkcms .

When using the composer install command, I get a permission denied error:

Generating autoload files
sh: 1: app/console: Permission denied
Script app/console assetic:dump . && cd tools && ./remove_cache     handling the pos
t-install-cmd event returned with an error

Error Output: sh: 1: app/console: Permission denied

I've tried setting the whole folder to chmod 777, or tried to run everything as su, but to no avail.

Please let me know how I can install ForkCMS onto a scotchbox.

Since I can't edit my original post: I've changed the vagrant file to have rwx permissions for all files and folders, and the permission denied warning is gone. Nevertheless the installer is stuck in a loop...

When I enter the wrong db credentials (on purpose) I get a warning that they're wrong. So I know I'm entering it right.

Can you try the latest version of fork cms? 3.8.3 was released earlier today

Hi Jesse,

Nope, doesn't work. Same problem.

Can you replicate the issue on your end? I'm using a generic scotch-box install and the composer install method.

I installed scotch-box and tried to install Fork but I encountered the same problems as you did. When I finish the installation, I get redirected to the install page. The database stays empty.

I imported a database dump that I exported from a different Fork setup and I copied the parameters.yml config file. And I got to see my working website. However when I tried to login into the backend, I'm stuck at the login panel. It won't log me in. When I try to remove the cache, the Symfony console says it can't establish a database connection.

I really don't know the issue here. I never had problems like this before on MAMP, WAMP, different webhosting company's...

I tried to install Wordpress and that works fine. Can you add a github issue on the forkcms github page explaining the issues you had with Fork CMS + scotchbox?

Also, I heard good things about this Vagrant box which mimics the shared LAMP hosting of my hosting (fun fact: the website of the hosting is actually running forkcms), and the Vagrant box is pretty good I think: .Maybe you can try this one?

I had the same problem on my Mac OS X, you have to set the execute rights.

On Linux and Mac OS X it can by done by chmod +x app/console, of course when you are in the root of Fork CMS

Hi Jesse, thanks for testing it. I'll post an issue on the github page, and I'll give sneakers a try.

Hi Jacob. The error in my first post is indeed an issue of the execute permissions. I tried setting the whole /var/www/ folder to 777, but this didn't work (the setting didn't persist). I had to change this setting in the vagrantfile and reboot the vagrant machine. Every file/folder then has all permissions, and the error above is gone.

But ForkCMS still can't install and stays in an installation loop, as Jesse confirmed. Database stays empty. Tried this on both Mac/Win7.


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