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Upgrade Analytics - non-existent service "analytics.google_analytics_service".


I'm trying to update the Analytics module to work with the V3 API. I've updated the module Analytics + added the needed php-files under src/Common. But now I get this error:' You have requested a non-existent service "analytics.googleanalyticsservice"'.

How can I link this services-file?

Did you add the google apiclient to composer.json and install it with composer? I think the Google_Service_Analytics class is installed then, and autoloaded. These lines were added to composer.json:

"behat/transliterator": "~1.0",
"google/apiclient": "~1.1.2"

I also use the new analytics module but I just pull&merged the whole github repo and then removed the analytics tables from the db, removed the analytics module from the modules table and then installed the new analytics module.

I've added these lines to composer and installed it. But I get the error from the services. I think the AnalyticsExtension.php isn't executed (from the DependencyInjection-folder). It's probably something in the Core that triggers these files?

This guide: (in Dutch) should help you fix it.

And you were right about that Extension file. It's only loaded since the latest version. You should manually include it as an import in your config.yml file (as explained in the upgrade guide I linked in my previous post.


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