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Upgrade from 3.6.6 --> 3.7.1

Hi all,

Tried using the composer -o but it didnt work on my system.

So I download the tar file of ForkCMS 3.7.1 to my machine and uploaded it.

Then I unzipped it to my www directory

The install screen comes up but it is all broken in the paths



What have I done wrong, I thought this update would be so simple :(

Here is my site

Updating from forkcms 3.6.x to 3.7.x is not easy!

Checkout the upgrade doc:

3.7 is a major version so upgrading isn't easy. There are many database changes and a lot of files and folders are capitalized so there's not really an easy way to upgrade.

Ok I have backed up everything,

Which version would you recommend I select with a fresh install that will give me long term support?

Fork CMS is adding more and more Symfony components. So I guess it's best to use the latest 3.8.1 version which uses a lot of the Symfony components. The core developers work on Fork in their free time so it can take a while until Fork CMS uses the fullstack symfony framework.

Just tried several themes including:

Response Response 2

After fixing the info.xml I am now getting broken CSS being generated.

Any ideas where I can fix?

Strange, my response disappeared?

I'm converting some themes to 3.7&3.8. You can already try panakeia or Opengray theme for forkcms (on github, not on the fork cms site).

I've already upgraded Response2 but It has to be merged in the official version. But you can already try my upgraded version. Let me know if it works fine.

Great thanks, I had to manually upload it as the installer was complaining about the info.xml .

"Foldername doesn't match the one in the XML"


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