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Upgrade PHP 5.4 to 5.6

Hello, I am using fork for some time now. Having clients running on Fork 3.5.1 to 3.8.6 My host is updating php to 5.6 and in the near future to 7 Will 3.5.1 still run after the upgrade?

Well, I'm running 3.6.6 on PHP 5.6 without problems. So i'd say that 3.5.1 has a great chance of running fine too.

Currently for local development, I already use PHP7 and the latest Fork CMS 3.9.6 runs great on that. Earlier versions probably too but not sure about a version like 3.5.1?

Best option would be to quickly switch to PHP 7 on your local mamp/wamp, or download a vagrant box (or a docker container) like where you can quickly setup your fork cms installation. You can probably also ask your hosting for a test webspace with php 5.6 or php 7 to test your fork cms site on.

Thanx Jesse

Host is upgrading, but I can test in the new environment. < php 5.6 > Tried to install fork 3.9.6. The installation gave me the following error + warning The installation doesn't give the option install anyway, so I am stuck.

error Intl Internationalization extension (Intl) is a wrapper for ICU library, enabling PHP programmers to perform UCA-conformant collation and date/time/number/currency formatting in their scripts. More information can be found on:

< this error is familiar ->changing the htaccess file after installation, but install is stuck >

Web server warning modrewrite Fork CMS will not be able to run if modrewrite can not be applied. Please make sure that the .htaccess file is present (the file starts with a dot, so it may be hidden on your filesystem), being read (AllowOverride directive) and the mod_rewrite module is enabled in Apache. If you are installing Fork CMS on another web server than Apache, make sure you have manually configured your web server to properly rewrite urls. More information can be found in ourknowledge base. If you are certain that your server is well configured, you may proceed the installation despite this warning.

Hmm looks like something to contact your hosting with. A few basic things needs to be enabled...

Host reply: CMS can't be installed because the php.init is not present. @jesse, what basic things are referring to?

Hmm what hosting do you use? The php.ini should be created by the hosting itself, I never had to mess with php.ini on the several hostings I used...

The hosting should enable the php intl extension (in the php.ini) and make sure mod_rewrite is working/enabled on their apache server. Both are pretty basic things on shared hosting, by which I mean that it should be enabled by default

my host is I have several fork-website on their servers. this particularity installation runs ( or not yet) with the latest fork 396.

update: I get the warning for the mod-rewrite often, but can choose to install anyway. But now I cant install

Probably because of the Intl php extension that the hosting should enable... Mod_rewrite is also something that's really necessary (also on Wordpress and other cms's) to have clean SEO-friendly url's. Try asking the hosting to take care of these and let me know :)

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