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Uploaded Fork Website path error

Hi, i'm a new fork user, i've build a fork website on my local machine, then i've uploaded all the files (with the exceptio of tools folder) to the server, i've changed the parameters.yml file to the new credentials (hostname, dbname, dbpass, ecc..). Also i've changed to 777 permission al file and subfolders like written in this thread and i flushed all the caches before upload, then a i even checked all cache folders in the web server and they are all empty. But I get an error:

ContextErrorException: Warning: filegetcontents(/path/of/local/webserver/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/TwigBundle/Resources/views/Exception/exception_full.html.twig) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path/to/real/server/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Loader/Filesystem.php line 130

If you see from the output it seems that symphony still have the old-local-path (/home/johna/Servers is my local server) stored somewhere and i didn't find where. You can see the error ath this Link ,(if it still fork.debug enable, i have to set to false as soon as possible becauseit expose some credentials). Thanks in advance for the help.

Did you clear /app/cache too? It also looks like it can't connect to your database. Maybe you have a typo in the config. Or maybe the webhost doesn't use localhost as mysql server ( parameter in parameters.yml) but a different server?

So, thank you for reply, i'v just ran the cache-remove script succesfully(apparently) but it seems that some 'hash'.php file still be inside:

  • /dev/assetic/config/folders
  • /dev/twig/folders
  • /prod/assetic/config/folders
  • /prod/twig/folder

Is it correct or they have to be removed? I'm sorry, I hope not be pedantic. In this thread should I completely remove the whole content inside the listed dirs at point 6? I think i'll handle db credentials error afterwards, but it seems odd because 'localhost' is the server default hostname accordingly with their faq and there are no typos(checked twice)

Yes, I think you can remove the dev and prod folders from /app/cache. They will be rebuild once you visit the site


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