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Using custom HTML as index page

Hi guys. Is there a hack that will allow me on same website use my HTML file as index, with links opening CMS pages? To explain - we run a conference website, basically renew it once a year. This yer we used a purchased bootstrap template. Instead of trying to bind it with Fork, I would rather simply put it as it is, but it would be great to give people access to past years archives that are in Fork. Thanks in advance.

Hi Mike, You can:

  1. Go to your src/Frontend/Themes/[themename]/Core/Layout/Templates/ folder and create a new template tpl file and paste your html in there.
  2. Then go to the forkcms backend, to Settings > Themes > Templates and add a new template (use the name of your file, give it a random labelname and press save).
  3. Go to the root page (Home) in the fork cms backend and press the change template button and choose your template. This will cause your site to show your html as the homepage and use your own links, but you can still access the url's from forkcms as some sort of archive

It works! Wow, thank you, thank you, thank you!


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