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Website moving to other server and live


I am almost done with a website running on 3.6.x and i want to move it to an other server. Where can i find the instructions to do this and how to switch of debug mode.

Thanks in advance Bas

Hi Bas,

To move your website to another server:

  1. Upload all the files in your Fork directory to the new server with FTP (don't forget the (hidden) .htaccess file).
  2. Make a backup of your current database and import the database to the new database server online.
  3. Go to your /app/config/parameters.yml file and replace your old settings with the new server settings (database info, site.domain name, ...). Also, kernel.debug should be set to false! This will switch off debug mode.
  4. Recommended: delete the install folder.
  5. Make sure these directories have writable rights:

    • /backend/cache/
    • /backend/modules/
    • /frontend/cache/
    • /frontend/files/*
    • /frontend/modules/
    • /frontend/themes/
  6. Clear your cache directories (or use the removecache tool if you have SSH on your server or run the removecache tool before you upload with FTP).

    • /frontend/cache/cachedtemplates/
    • /frontend/cache/locale/
    • /frontend/cache/minifiedcss/
    • /frontend/cache/minifiedjs/
    • /frontend/cache/navigation/
    • /frontend/cache/compiledtemplates/
    • /backend/cache/analytics/
    • /backend/cache/cronjobs/
    • /backend/cache/locale/
    • /backend/cache/mailmotor/
    • /backend/cache/navigation/
    • /backend/cache/compiled_templates/
    • /backend/cache/logs/
    • /app/cache/

This should be everything I can think of. Normally, you can now visit your website and it should display just fine. If you see a white screen, try setting kernel.debug to true, then you'll get to see the errors and see what's wrong...

The summary of ** publishing your website ** can be read on the Fork CMS documentation. Let me know if you are stuck with a step.

Hi Jesse,

Thanks, that was exactly what I needed!


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