Fork 3.8.0 released
- Written by Wouter Sioen on Thursday 14 August 2014 with the tags releases, 3.8.0.
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Today we released Fork 3.8.0. You can also follow Fork on github.
- Profiles: mass import for profiles using a .csv added.
- Core: BackendModel::insertExtra() added to allow inserting homepage/widgets/blocks.
- Core: insertExtra Integrated in the modules: "ContentBlocks, Faq, FormBuilder and Location"
- Core: Restyled mail templates, simple fluid design (looks good on small and wide screens).
Debug mode and environment are set earlier in the response.
You can set debug mode with -
- You can set dev environment with
SetEnv FORK_ENV dev
- Core: when in debug mode and in dev environment, the SymfonyWebProfiler is shown in the bottom of the page.
- Core: handle errors in debug mode by the symfony error handler.
- Analytics: implement event tracking for universal analytics
- Faq: BackendFaqModel now uses BackendModel::deleteExtraById() and BackendModel::updateExtra().
- ContentBlocks: BackendContentBlocksModel now uses BackendModel::deleteExtraById() and BackendModel::updateExtra().
- Location: BackendLocationModel now uses BackendModel::deleteExtraById() and BackendModel::updateExtra().
- Core: event subscriptions did not get fired in the frontend.
- Authentication: avoid unnecessary dabase calls for unauthenticated users.
- Tags: make sure the same tag can't exist with and without a capital letter.