Fork CMS 3.1.0 released
- Written by Tijs Verkoyen on Tuesday 8 November 2011
Today we released Fork 3.1.0. You can also follow Fork on GitHub.
- Core: Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.4.7
- Core: TinyMCE now includes all languages that are possible in the interface-language-dropdown.
- Core: the keys when asking for a locale item now get camelcased so you can add enum values f.e. when using them in a datagrid.
- Formbuilder: made it possible to add multiple receivers, as requested by Jeroen De Sloovere.
- Pages: added a widget that shows the subpages as blocks with their title and meta description.
- Core: when requesting the meta-navigation while there are no items an exceptions was thrown, mentioned by Niels on
- Core: when editing non-active languages the files parsed through javascript.php were using the default language, as pointed out by Simon on
- Core: fix default module, action, language in JS - was messed up on dashboard.
- Core: fix issue in template compiler; nested iterations where child ends in name of parent, did not work.
- Core: removed the guessing of the library path in the installer. When Spoon can't be located a textbox will be shown wherin you can enter the path to Spoon.
- Core: fixed issue when displaying empty pages without blocks linked.
- ContentBlocks: fixed a database exception when deleting content blocks, thx to Sam Tubbax.
- Extensions: fixed typo, as mentioned on by Bart.
- Extensions: editing a template without default-data was triggering a notices, as mentioned by Bart on
- Extensions: confirmmessages through pure Javascript don't support sprintf through the template-engine, thx to Bart, see
- Extensions: ignore hidden files when validating the uploaded zip-files, thx to Dieter W, see
- Formbuilder: when a field isn't required, but should be validated as an emailaddress it was forced to be filled in.
- Formbuilder: the language wasn't saved correctly into the extras after editing a form, so it was shown for all languages, as mentioned by Simon on
- Location: invalid item was used in the template, and the JS should only be excuted after jQuery is loaded, as mentioned by Floris on
- Pages: classname for sitemap was wrong.
- Pages: navigation now contains valid depth-key in template.
- Tags: inline editing wasn't working anymore due the new way of using AJAX.
- Tools: improved whitespace-check in codesniffer.
- Faq: fixed collation of table faq_feedback.
Jorge wrote 12 years ago
Hi!, How i convert mi web design in a templete of Fork??