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Internal Ser Error

Let me be frank I do not have that much experience with installing a cms. But I checked the host ( and it seems that they have all the requirements the host fork. But after installing I get a Internal server error, before the installation even starts, .htaccess is on the server( Would did I do wrong?

Hi Depeweg, try to remove the first line(s) in your .htaccess file that says Options +FollowSymlinks -Indexes. Or put it in comments by typing an #in front of the line.

# follow symlinks & disallow directory listing
# note: your hosting company might not allow these directives to be set. In that case,
# you should either find another hosting company (advised) or remove the line below.
# Options +FollowSymlinks -Indexes

I found this solution in an old thread. Let us know if you have any other problems :-)

Thanks this really helped!

I'm glad it helped. For future visitors who have this problem and because the old forum will be removed, I share the link which explaines the internal server error here too.

internal server error solutions


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