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Command line cronjob does not work

According to the back-end documentation for Analytics I should set cronjobs like: 33 0 * * * php /var/www/forkcms/app/../backend/cronjob module=Analytics action=get_data 34 0 * * * php /var/www/forkcms/app/../backend/cronjob module=Analytics action=get_traffic_sources

There is no backend directory in webroot hence PHP gives error message 'Could not open input file'.

Is the documentation wrong, am I missing a directory or something else?

Oh, and the edit button for a support forum article doesn't seem to store changes...

I think the backend/cronjob is a route and no physical location. But I never used the command line command, I use wget. So I can't assist you...

Oh and I noticed you can't edit the first post, but you can edit other posts... That's a bug that will get solved once the forum module gets cleaned up and made open source. The core developers have their hands full on the Symfony migration, so the fork website is a bit neglected at the moment.


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