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Error 404 /install directory not found

hi guys,

so... running or rather trying to run forkcms via composer using apache2

the error 404 listed is for the /install directory (NOTE: I have never been able to access this thus far, ad this is through the browser)

so .htaccess is working, and allowoverride is enabled (all) permissions are set to allow remote read access (else this would be error 500)

can't think what else you need to know!

thanks in advance for any input, -allw

EDIT: when you type <domain> it redirects to <domain>/install not sure if relevant but hey maybe it is</domain></domain>

Can you access /install/1 ?

in the browser? still reports error 404 (not found)

I have the same issue. However there's a ForkCMS folder with a Bundle/installerBundle in it. But that doens't do anything.

Maybe a bad commit?

After looking at my error.log I get the following message when trying to open the install page: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 54035493 bytes) in /var/www/sites/ on line 441

Anyone knows how to solve this?

Try to set the php memory limit to a higher number in your php.ini file of the webserver that you're using.

For example:

ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); will give you unlimited memory, but that's not recommended. By default it should be 128M, try changing it to 512M?

It seems that the installer is using quite a lot of memory. Do you happen to install a lot of modules with the installer? Try to install one or two modules or none and see if you get the error. And else, try changing the php memory limit (see above)...

It doens't seem to work with more memory either. I can't say much about the modules because I havn't reached that screen yet. All I do is http://url/install and everything stay blank. My error.log keeps complaining about exchausted memory usage..

I'm trying this on a vagrant server, could that be the issue?

there is a topic about vagrant issues on this forum:

Might help you out?


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