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Fork 3.8.2 - can't undo debug mode

I enherited a Fork-website that is still in debug mode. I tried to remove the debug mode, but I always get an error code on the website. Can someone help me in this. Thanks

Can you specify the error you're getting? How do you disable the debug mode on your site? .htaccess, virtualhost or in a php file?

The problem is that I don't realy know how to disable debug mode. I didn't install the forkcms myself, so i guess debugmode was activated during installation.

In .htaccess I don't see anything about debug mode so I didn't made any changes there. As the site is live I can't use virtual host I guess.

In index.php I already tried to remove or edit $debug = getenv('FORK_DEBUG') === '1'; $debug = 1; But I alwasy get the general error Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".

Editing parameters.yml also did not work. However I'm not sure what to add or remove there: These are the lines concerning the debug: fork.debugemail: fork.debugmessage: 'Internal error.' fork.version: '3.8.2'

What is the proper way to turn off debug mode in version 3.8.2?

Normally parameters.yml can be ignored as it isn't used anymore to enable debug mode. This is nowadays the way to enable debug mode, so it's virtualhost or htaccess... But maybe you can try to add this to the top of your index.php file to force disable debug mode:


And maybe clear contents of the cache folders afterwards. Hope this will help...

@Jesse You say parameters.yml can be ignored...

I have another issue: in the parameters.yml I first set the domain name with a .be extension, but it must be a .com extension. So now I want to change this (site is live) but for some reason things I change on the live site don't get recognized.

Then another question: how can you disable the /install folder on live sites? With the previous versions it was a installed.txt in the cache folder...

Sorry for all the questions, I have to find my way in the new fork updates and I can't find it in the documentation (or I'm searching on the wrong place) ...

Thx a lot for your support!


Found the caching issue! (removed the prod folder in /app/cache)

Now just the /install, how can you disable this on a live site so the installer is disabled? Thx!

You can disable the installer by removing the installer routes in app/config/routing.yml and clearing the cache, and then you can probably delete the install folder too if you want :-)

@Jesse: Great, fixed!


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