Please note that the forum isn't realy used anymore.

If you have questions, want support or just simply want to talk to us you can find us on slack.


Fork was Smart Choice for Us

I maintain a Web site for a not-for-profit group and wanted a platform that a non-Web designer could maintain. After reviewing all the available packages, I narrowed the list to four platforms and let my "assistant" play with the demos. We settled on Fork for its flexibility and ease-of-use. She has been porting our content over and when she told me she figured out how to insert the video on her own, I knew we had made the correct choice. Now I just need to update the editor. That should make it easier for both of us! Thanks!

Goog to hear you made the right choice for your purpose! IS the included ckeditor not sufficient?

I know the included editor is configured for using Fork, there are some plugins disabled and others are extra.

I guess the dev's will keep it that way but you can change it's behaviour yourself if you want to

I'm going to follow their upgrade instructions (renames existing config) and use a superset of features. After I get a chance to check it out, I'll report back.


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