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Howto transfer a Fork website from Hostgator to another one?


I backup the "home" directory on hostgator backend and exported the SQL data.

To transfer, I assume what I need to do is unpack the "home" directory on new hosting and import the SQL data.

Am I right and anything more to do? I appreciate any help.

Thanks, jazzi

Hi jazzi, I would unpack the home directory backup on your computer and go to the "root" folder of fork cms website. It's the folder that contains folders like "app", "src", "vendor" etc.

You will have FTP access to your new hosting, so transfer all the forkcms files & folders (app, src, vendor and a bunch of files). Don't forget to transfer the hidden .htaccess file too! Next, you'll want to import the sql data into your new database. Don't know about your new hosting but most of them have phpmyadmin that you can use to import the sql file into the new database. Then go with your ftp tool to the app/config/parameters.yml file and edit it with your new database credentials that you received from the new hosting, so forkcms can establish a connection with the database.

You'll probably have to clear the cache too, which is done by deleting the files inside every folder in src/Backend/Cache and src/Frontend/Cache.

If you get a white screen when visiting your website, then you probably still have an error that needs to be fixed. You can see the error by enabling debug mode which can be done, e.g. by editing index.php in your ftp tool and adding this on top:


If you're stuck, let me know :-) Good luck

Thank you Jesse, the Fork I have is an old version (3.4.4), is the following folder I should unpack and upload to the new hosting?

  • api
  • backend
  • cgi-bin
  • frontend
  • install
  • library
  • tools
  • .htaccess
  • error_log
  • robots.txt
  • routing.php
  • index.php

Ah in that case: yes upload those files & folders to your new hosting :-) Then import your sql backup into phpmyadmin. And then go to /library/globals.php I think. You'll have to fill in the mysql credentials and check PATH_www too. And set SPOON_DEBUG to true for now

Then check if you can access your website. Because debug is set to true, you will see error messages if there are still errors. When your site is working again, you can set SPOON_DEBUG back to false otherwise caching will not work and google won't index your website ;-)

Yes Jesse, I get a white screen. So I edited the 'globals.php' under public_html/library directory and changed the value of database and PATH_www, also set the SPOON_DEBUG to be true.

But I still get white screen and no error message.

Could you try this:

Try to remove the first line(s) in your .htaccess file that says Options +FollowSymlinks -Indexes. Or put it in comments by typing an #in front of the line, like this:

# follow symlinks & disallow directory listing
# note: your hosting company might not allow these directives to be set. In that case,
# you should either find another hosting company (advised) or remove the line below.
# Options +FollowSymlinks -Indexes

If that doesn't work, restore the line and add these on top of your index.php:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Maybe you get to see an error... If that doesn't work either, try to remove everything from index.php and just type something like "Hi!" and save it and check if you can see that message on the website.

Yes both don't work and I can see "Hi". Weird for no error...

Maybe you can walk into my hosting and see what's going on? I will appreciate.

Hey jazzi, I took a look at your installation. Everything looked good except for /backend/modules/locale/engine/model.php which stopped at line 1180 in the middle of an array assignment, while the original file from github (version 3.4.4) is +- 1400 lines. So I replaced that corrupt file with the right one. Then backend started working. Frontend still showed a white page. I tried to see if everything gets executed and I could run code until the templates. Then I tried to modify some templates from your theme and it started working. I restored your theme and it keeps working. Don't really know what caused the frontend issue.

I own you a big thanks, it's working happily now.

I used BareFTP to upload files, and the uploading paused when I left, then kept uploading when come back, might this caused the file corrupted. Thank you Jesse.


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