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Importing Blog SQL from Backup

Hi all,

Upgraded to 3.8.1

I didn't want to try a MySQL Synch incase there are major schema changes so I exported the "blog_posts" table to an SQL file and imported it into the new database.

The import was successful however I cannot edit or view any of my blog posts. It says they don't exist :/

I updated the blog_categories table and tags table too.

What do I need to do?

From what version are you upgrading? I think a lot of table values now have a capitalized value. Every module name is capitalized, for example "blog" becomes "Blog". I also think you'll need some rows from the "meta" table.

I wrote a php script that converts a 3.6.6 database to version 3.7-3.8. But I haven't tested it that much and it's always better to start from a fresh version and manually transfer some content.

I'm on a holiday right now, but I'll see if I can help when I get home in a few days...

Exporting only the articles isn't enough. You need their meta entries too. The same for categories.

Ok thanks, just going to manually re-enter posts.


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