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Installation Error

I am trying to configure Fork CMS on a Digital Ocean Debian 7 32bit VPS running Nginx.

The following error has shown up on the install page:

"error /var/www/

In this location the global cache will be stored."

The permissions for the folder are as follows:

"drwxr-xr-x 5 www-data www-data 4096 Aug 16 09:08   cache"

The html source code is as follows:

"<h4><span class="error">error</span> /var/www/</h4>
            <p>In this location the global cache will be stored.</p>"

The pathway for the installation is:


I have googled the problem and come up with no solutions except other installations that have similiar problems.

Any advice on how to resolve this would be appreciated.

Can you give that folder read/write/execute access? Maybe try chmod -R 777 for the cache folder? Maybe post a screenshot of the error on the install page because the forum makes a mess of html snippets.

Thanks for your reply.

I didn't want to try chmod -R 777 for security reasons.

However, I now have tried it.

In the end I had to apply chmod -R 777 to the whole public_html tree to get it to work but work it did.

This resolved the situation.

Many Thanks

Instead of the whole public_html tree, maybe you can try to chmod only these folders:

  • /src/Backend/Cache/*
  • /src/Backend/Modules/
  • /src/Frontend/Cache/*
  • /src/Frontend/Files/*
  • /src/Frontend/Modules/
  • /src/Frontend/Themes/
  • /library
  • /library/external/
  • /src/Install/Cache/
  • /app/cache/
  • /app/logs/


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