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Issues when trying to upgrade to 3.7.1

So, I tried to upgrade to 3.7.1 (comming from 3.6.6 if I'm not mistaken). So I transfered the files via FTP and cleared the cache folders. When I then tried to access my website, I was redirected to the install process (some files needed a permission change). I was doubting I had to go through the install process (again), so when I tried to go through it, I didn't even manage to get past step 3.

How do I fix this problem, and show my website again? This is the url

There are a lot of things changed in 3.7 and also a lot of database changes, so I'm afraid you can't really upgrade. Try to make a fresh install of Fork 3.7 and copy your content? I also once created a php script that will convert the database to 3.7 but it's very experimental...

Thanks for the fast reply. So I see... too bad. What's the best way to copy all the content?

I just exported/imported: pages, pages_blocks and meta, but the navigation bar is still messed up. How to fix this?

Have you tried to clear the cache? Execute the remove_cache script: sh tools/remove_cache or go to Backend/Cache folder and make every directory in there empty.

Already cleared the cache, and already put it in debug mode. Just cleared the cache again, and this time I noticed I forgot to clear the "navigation" folder :bang:

Thanks a lot for your help!

Hmm the navigation folder should be cleared when you remove the cache? I think this is a bug ;)

No it's not a bug, I was following this upgrade manual (clearing the cache folder manually):

So I just forgot to clear the navigation folder... :bang:


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