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Login issue

Hello everyone. I am glad to have an opportunity of using Fork CMS and it is really amazing CMS. I have been learning to use this CMS for about 2 weeks and I am kind of newbie in programming and I can't figure out one thing. I want, that if the user goes to my website, firstly he must register/login and only after logging/registering would appear main menu. Could anyone help me doing this? At least some hints? Sorry for my English skills...

There is a Profiles module included in Fork CMS that you can use to let visitors register an account and login. I'm not sure how you can protect a page so it's only visible to users that are logged in, but it's certainly possible and I'll take a look tonight.

Thanks a lot for an asap relpy!

We normally use a self-made widget which we put on a page and checks if the user is logged in. I don't think it is a standard functionality in the Profiles module right now. Maybe it would be a good idea to extend the Pages module with a checkbox on every page which checks if a user is logged in when visiting that specific page?

Interesting suggestion. Thanks for an advice. :)


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